
środa, 25 lipca 2018

#577 album grubasek/ a fat album

Album grubasek, bo ma aż 15 grubych kart, to moja inspiracja dla UHK Gallery. Pełno w nim papierowych koronek. Dominuje róż i kolekcja "Misty morning", ale pojawiło się też trochę "Autumn in Avonlea", "On my Owl" trochę jasnych arkuszy z "Provence", "Mushrooms" i "Desert Rose".
Kwiatki to WOC, a tekturka Scrapiniec.

It's a fat album because there are 15 thick cards. It's my project for UHK Gallery. There lots of paper lace inside. Pink is the main colour. I used "Misty morning" mainly,  some "Autumn in Avonlea", "On my Owl","Provence", "Mushrooms" and "Desert Rose" paper collections.
There are WOC flowers and a chipboard from Scrapiniec.

Do zobaczenia :) / See you next time

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